Wednesday, August 10, 2011

At some point we all snap

So I wrote in to the City transportation office a few weeks ago. I told them exactly how i felt about an intersection close to home that I drive daily. This intersection is heavily trafficked as it is one of only two ways to approach the Major regional hospital's ER. Well, this intersection also has some extremely fucked up lanes and lights. Needless to say, after multiple near misses and more than a few observed of the same, i was displeased in the extreme. So i mouthed off to the city.
   Now, about a week after this very pointed letter was shot off, the city put up pre-construction warnings AT this very intersection! Then 2 days later than that cut off all on street parking for a very populated residential area. Then for 4 fucking weeks after they did nothing!!!!
The procedure they eventually did they called, "Chip Sealing."  They tarred and gravelled the Goddamned Road!! So thanks mayor for all the loose gravel chips in my already compromised paint job and the window dings and tar splatter on the running boards!
Is it just conicidence that they decided upon some retarded road maintenence just after I mouthed off?
Now of course it isn't. And here is my proof, I would do the same thing. Tired after a week of listening to every shitty little complaint about this road and that intersection, and the roundabout over there, this poor bastard has one look at my Politely Written Venom Dripping Letter. At some point we all snap. Do I blame the guy (yes i looked it's a guy)? Not really. If it was me i would have been down to see my budget contact pretty much instantly or at least had him on the phone 1st thing. As such, i then would have found a cheap contractor for the labor and called up the asphalt folks. Thinking all the while, "Okay fuck-stick you don't like yer road the way it is? Lesse if you like it NOW!" and then let slip the dogs of war.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should hunt him down and take him out...

    ...for a coffee. It sounds like you two might be soulmates. ;)
