Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Your Bloodlines Deserve to Fail

       I got to thinking after reading a friend’s FB post that vaccinations are indeed the intelligent thing to do. Although there are plenty of people who, through some fuck-tarded thinking, have chosen to ignore reasonable medical science. Why is this?

      Well summed up it is fear. Fear of knowledge, fear of negative ramifications, fear of the unknown. Fear fear fear!

            Fear derails the rational thought process and these simple-minded folk are duped into believing whatever tripe the fear-mongers produce. Perhaps Cardinal Richelieu had it right, ‘When king and country fail the people so willing turn to their only recourse, me.’ The business of religion is just as political an institution as any government . . . concerned with controlling people. To do this, they control thought. People are so afraid of getting sick that they trust in some invisible man in the sky to protect them from whatever “Devil” threatens them. It is sad really. To see such potential limited and ultimately wasted by the only real thing we have to fear, fear.
            By my own observations, the worst decisions come from a place of fear. I do not understand this. Although I too have acted from fear; I do attempt mindful living. Often I am surprised, because it is usually never as bad as my fear tricks me into believing. We simply need to say to ourselves, “This is the world. What is, is. What will be, will be.” We can certainly act from this position of acceptance and do our best to swing the odds against disease in our favor.
            As such, the human body is an amazing machine. Yes a machine, albeit a biological one. The body can repair and heal itself, learn from experience and achieve greatness of person and character through self-mastery. However given the above, the human body can also decide that living is far too much burden and simply give up regardless of the assistance it receives.
            We can also look to mathematics for assistance in this area to see our way to a path of right-action. The sheer probability of any of us actually being here and existing at this moment is so miniscule as to defy rationality. By almost pure chance, each of us is alive today through THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of years (no I am not a creationist, just fearful fools all of them) of struggle, pain, and constant toil. History isn’t dead, YOUR (yes you!!) ancestors were alive then too. Doing everything they could to ensure the continued existence of their genetics. Who are we to defy the blood of thousands (millions) and belittle their efforts. Rather we should take those advantages offered to us and do all we can to give our heritage the meaning it deserves.
            For Gods’ sake don’t be a sheep and follow blindly where the Sheppard tells you. Jesus was a Goatherd. Sheep are stupid and must be driven, Goats are intelligent and need only be led.

            Perhaps it is the overload of information that makes these decisions so difficult. The constant barrage of information (good and bad) that invades our daily lives could be causing these mental shutdowns.  The current trend is to let programs do your deciding for you. (Is Bing creepy for anyone else? Are we just letting anyone out now, I think we need to restrict most folks only to day-passes). Instead of doing the proper job and filtering through the stuff so many people simply shut off the flow and choose(yes choose) to be led in whatever direction their chosen leader tells them. The amount of information at our disposal is gargantuan. However, your responsibility as a sentient being attempting to live to your fullest potential is to sift through it and come to rational decisions; admittedly, an unending and thankless task. As a parent it is your job and duty to your children. Period. Anything less is weak and your bloodlines deserve to fail. Yet, there it is. People are weak sheep who refuse to think. Given any individual most are intelligent and mostly charming. But mob mentality, as driven by any number of goads religion, government, media force all but the most will-full into a state of fear. All are in the business of control.
            Accepting all of the forgoing as rote is also foolish. I could be completely wrong. Vaccinations may cause autism, or worst case; the conspiracy theorists are right; we’re all being “chipped” for control by reptilian aliens. I am strong enough to admit that I am wrong if proven so. However, the arguments of the righteous are far from rational and even less than plausible. As such there is no rest for the wicked and I will do all I can to ensure the survival of my wicked spawn. . . . but maybe I’ll wear my tinfoil hat today and see if my outlook changes any.

If I’ve managed to piss any of you off today, then I’ve done my job. You are welcome.

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